To be honest I don’t really know where to ask this question, so I am just doing it here.
I wanted to ask for some advice. Once a week I am visiting a dance class for about 1 and a half hours. It’s really just for fun and there are no competitions or performances. Normally there are around 30 people there and they are all around the age of 10 to 30. I noticed that most of them actually come in friend groups already but because no one of my friends likes dancing to the music I do, I always came alone. I have to admit that I am a rather shy and introverted person although I can be pretty open at times. Anyways, I visit it every week now for about a year and I still haven’t found any real friends. After the class ends all the people just leave and there are barely breaks but still I am stressing myself out a lot to build meaningful friendships. All the time I ask myself if I am weird or just a loner actually it’s always also really stressful to go there now because I just can’t seem to relax thinking like that all the time. Because always if you see dance classes on social media or on TV all the people in there seem to be best friends. But for me over things like group projects I was in a group of friends but afterwards the people just kinda didn’t care about me anymore? There are some people I greet or talk to for a short moment but not really more. Is building friendships there even a realistic thought? And if so what is some advice?

I am sorry if my grammar is bad and the text is kinda written in a confusing manner, English isn’t my native language.

1 comment
  1. I think it’s great that for an introvert you are going and doing something you really enjoy. It sounds like you aren’t giving yourself enough credit. Sometimes seeing people in groups can seem a little discouraging, and I challenge you to maybe break the ice with someone. Sometimes when I hear conversations that aren’t meant for me, I will start by saying “I’m not trying to eavesdrop, but that movie was awesome!” Obviously it’s per conversation. So long as it doesn’t seem like it’s something seemingly personal that you probably shouldn’t have heard lol. Or sometimes just going up to someone and complimenting them, guy or girl. I find a simple “that shirt looks really nice on you” for a guy, or “those colors look great on you” for a girl, are great conversation starters. Those are flexible however you see fit. Hope any of this helps!

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