For context I am 27f, unemployed, working on my masters, and working on my mental health as in the past year I’ve been diagnosed with MDD, OCD, GAD, and ADHD. My partner is 26m employed and from the UK while I’m American.

So the issue is I live with my grandparents and they were always very controlling and never allowed me to socialize from the ages of 11 till now. I spent the night at my sisters two nights this year for the first time, one on my birthday last month and they were furious when I got back. They guilt me and make me anxious and not want to leave my room.

I’m scared that if I tell them the truth they will kick me out, they don’t like my relationship and for the longest time told me to break up with him. They’ve only gotten used to the idea of us together within the last year or so. I hate omitting the truth though.

I also called my dad (these are his parents) to invite him to the ceremony but he said 1. Just to be honest and tell my grandparents 2. He can’t go because he has a dog show to go to 3. He ESPECIALLY can’t go if my mom goes because I invited her.

Anyways I don’t know if I should just tell/invite them or not. What do you think?

Ps. I know I sound pathetic and like I need to grow up and get over it. It’s just hard to do that when you’re still around the environment and people who always put you down/abused you. Once I finish my degree this year I’ll be doing better and productive and out of this house by December.

1 comment
  1. Do you want them present for your wedding? If so, yes, with the clear understanding that it’s happening.

    If not, then there’s more to consider.

    I won’t dig into details, but my birth family sucks.
    I sent their wedding invitations on the day we got back from our honeymoon. I’ll never claim to not be an AH 😁

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