I’m a stay at home mom with a 2 year old so I have enough stuff to do to fill up my day. My husband and I have plans after he’s done work to go to his friend’s dinner and my son goes to a sitter. After dinner we have to go somewhere else too so we’ll be home at like midnight. I was out all morning with my son then came home to feed him and once he went down for a nap I showered and got ready for the dinner since I can’t really do that while entertaining my son this afternoon. My husband decides he’ll stop work early and then we’ll drop my son off, come back home, and he wants to clear out my old office and turn it into a guest room, then go to this dinner. (This was our plan for the weekend but he decided he wants to do it today).

I immeditely said “no can we not do that today. I’m already showered and don’t want to be all sweaty and stuff then rush to the dinner”.

He kept making excuses like I could just sit there and point at stuff for him to move (it’s all old work papers so I have to be the one to do it). I then told him we have enough stuff to do today and I really didn’t feel like doing all that. I said I’d even get up early and do it tomorrow morning. He then walked away from me and slammed the door to his office to play video games…

I just needed to get this off my chest because I don’t really have anyone close enough to talk to when I have problems like this. I’m sure someone will see this from his point of view and say I’m being over dramatic and lazy but my husband just does this kind of stuff so often and today I finally said no and he causes a huge scene and acts like a child.

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