So I (16M, Asperger’s/ASD) have made a friend (16F, probably neurotypical) in December. We have been going to class together for over a year, but she had other friends and I didn’t feel like she would want to be friends with me. Well, tbh we used to exchange a word or two sometimes, but I couldn’t call it friendship. That changed, well, in a matter of one day. We were both in need of a friend as her friends changed schools in September and I didn’t have a friend in my class. In a couple days we became our first choices. It was something I’ve always dreamed about bc I’ve never really felt like I was someone’s first choice before. We used to spend a lot of time together at school, study together, text after school, or meet outside of school. I think we could call each other best friends. We accepted our quirks, she didn’t mind me being awkward. But it didn’t last forever like I thought it was gonna be.
Since around a month she started to spend more and more time with another classmate or mine (16M, probably neurotypical too). His relationship with her before was similar to mine – have a conversation sometimes but nothing more than that too. But it seems like he replaced me as her best friend. She spends more time at school with him than me, we don’t go around anymore, now if we text it’s always me who starts the conversation. Sometimes the 3 of us spend time together, but usually it’s her and me or more often her and him. I’m not jealous or anything but I feel like I’m on a way to losing a friend. Should I do something, or is it even possible to? Maybe I should just wait and it’s going to sort out by itself? Maybe I’m just insecure and overreacting? Can you give me an advice?

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