I haven’t told anyone myself, but few people know me from grinder in my college. I live in India and here it’s still a primitive culture when it comes to homosexuality. I don’t want my past bugging my present and future. I’m afraid that people will eventually know that I was on grindr in college…. I had submissive fantasies back then and people who know this think I’m a faggot. Not to disrespect anyone, but this is the word one guy used on grindr while talking to me about me. I fear getting famous now for I don’t want people calling me names like the one above.

  1. Not gay, but does this still happen? In UK so not sure of elsewhere, but seems pretty chill here.

  2. alright, being gay isn’t something you can change or whatever so just accept it as it is. accept it as being a part of you. i understand it’s shit living in india where homophobia is still quite a big thing, but honestly just express yourself freely and stay away from those who give you shit. ultimately you can beat the fuck outta them, which is what i did to people who made fun of me 🙂

  3. oh wait i just read the post properly, who gives a fuck man u were in college and exploring your sexuality.

  4. I think a lot of people (comments) don’t understand the culture you’re from. Not every place in the world is ok with people who are gay. OP has some legit fear of what his village might do to him if they found out.

    What I’d ask OP is, do you think it’ll just be verbal abuse or could your village/area begin assaulting you? Verbal, just gotta take it. Physical you need to leave before anything happens to you.

  5. Those who joke or insult the most usually have their own gay feelings and overcompensate. They think that if other people see them mocking gays no one will suspect that they are. It’s sad and it hurts everyone.

  6. “G Men” are government agents. FBI, CIA, and other such spooks. While I’m sure some are gay, it’s likely a small percentage, and given their status in enforcement, they’re probably not often mocked.

  7. “You guys think a bit too much where I stick my dick and what goes up my butt. Dunno man, seems kinda gay to me…”

  8. Hey, I’m from India too and yeah LGBT community is still hated and ridiculed, it’s sad. I’m not gay though but I do feel bad about you guys.

  9. I couldn’t tell you. I was mocked and bullied so relentlessly in high school that 30 years later I still have massive internalized homophobia. It happened every single day in from of all my classmates and teachers who did nothing to stop it. When I went home I suffered from an abusive father and a mother with serious issues who treated me like I was her possession. I do not know how I survived.
    The upside ,if you can call it that , was that it made me pursue success with unrelenting effort. I am now a PhD college professor and I can honestly say I have done everything I ever dreamed of doing. Through years of therapy I came to understand that I was worthy of love and connection and that was valuable as a human being. My mission as a professor is to make sure all my students know they are safe and they are valued and worthy of success. I also do research and actively design and implement mental health initiatives for college students. I hope you find a way out. For me getting out on my own was the only answer to the hell i was going through.

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