What i mean by that is there are man liking all kind of woman beauty: big booty,small, big breats, small breasts, short tall etc. But for man i dont see woman liking short man for example short man are mostly seen as unnatractive, i dont see woman preffering short man. Like there is this one standard tall, muscular, 6pack, chad jawline and preety much every woman reacts to that in positive way. Of course there are exeptions like celebrities who are short or super lean but majority of woman prefer just one type of guys. What do you think?

  1. Anecdotally and via the OKC study and other studies I have known men to genuinely have a wider array of standards but tend to be more unwilling to date out of them whereas women do tend to rate the majority of men as unattractive but are willing to give more men a chance initially if they like other aspects and can fall in love with someone not meeting the standard. Of course there are outliers but this is the general trend. I think OLD is particularly brutal for men because it removes a lot of the other factors that make a man attractive for a woman if he does not fit the typical mold.

  2. I might be talking out of my ass but it might be due to women caring more about status?
    For example how women won’t date some jobs and would love others.
    Having a desirable man is a part of it.

    Though I honestly also don’t really hear a lot of variety in men’s types.
    I don’t really know more than 1-2 guys that don’t like fit women and would rather have someone fat.

    And I am sure that there are some women that love fat men aswell.

    They’re just minorities

  3. I think there are multiple male beauty standards too. But they do revolve around hitting at least a couple of these in no particular order or number.

    >tall, muscular, 6pack, strong jawline

    And maybe a few others depending on the woman and the culture. I would put well-dressed (whatever that means) on that list as well. So long as you make them feel something, you’re fair game.

    Women tend to be attracted to men who look healthy, accomplished, and socially secure for whatever their context is.

    That can look a lot of different ways. I knew an African woman, she thought I was handsome, but also thought it was strange that I didn’t want a gut, a larger belly. She felt that it was attractive on a man to have a bit of weight, it looked healthy to her, wealthy.

    To me, the image just seems lazy and indulgent, but that’s the cultural context. In America being overweight doesn’t mean good food and leisure time it means processed junk and no time to exercise.

    And on it goes.

    Shortness, for example, is when controlled for context almost never attractive, but what counts as short changes a lot if you don’t control for context.

    If I went to Japan or Mexico, I don’t think I’d be doing half as bad as I would in the Balkans or Scandinavia. Because short in one place is being 5’2 and in the other it’s being 5’10. And women respond accordingly.

  4. Don’t really care. Out of your list I only fit the tall attribute from the ones listed and never had an issue with getting the women I wanted/was interested in.

  5. I actually think women are somewhat varied in their tastes. For instance, you mention muscles. Yes many women like muscles… but some just don’t.

  6. Completely disagree.
    If you look at beauty standards from a male POV then yes, there’s one.
    But truthfully, from women’s POV there many ways in which a man can be beautiful and attractive.

  7. Lol.  I’m not tall (5’6″) Not muscular (toned tho) No abs but no belly Regular jawline And definitely not rich

     Guess what? I’ve dated some truly beautiful women.   

     I’m reasonably cute, do interesting things and am not out of shape.  I’m not pulling NYC SoHo models but also never had to lower my standards.  

  8. I’m 6’4″ 270 lbs, don’t have a six pack but have a bit of an ab definition, veins up the forearms and biceps… Overall really good shape

    Don’t get me wrong I do well with women for the most part, but have been turned down a few times for being “too muscular”. Different people have different types.

    I also get a lot of “you seem like a fuckboy” and “I wouldn’t date you” talk. They will usually bang me though.

  9. I think there are strict beauty standards for women too, just in a different way. It’s a lot stricter in both the face and body, it’s a lot more ‘cookie cutter’, and these pressures follow women until old age, we’re not seen as attractive as we get older if we don’t maintain a youthful look, whereas a man who is visibly old can still be very handsome.

    There’s also a wider variety of facial features in men that are considered attractive, if you look at male celebrities who are considered attractive there’s a wider variety of nose shapes, facial proportions etc. For women it’s basically the exact same proportions on different ethnicities.

    Aside from his height there’s a lot a man can do to fit male beauty standards, for women there’s a higher pressure to change our proportions with plastic surgery and fillers, botox, makeup, face lifts, BBL’s, breast enchantment, skincare. It’a more costly for women to maintain. These pressures aren’t necessarily largely from men, but they’re there all the same.

  10. I have a friend who hates guys with abs. She likes average type bodies. Why? She said “it feels better when spooning because his little muffin top fits into the small of my back. Abs can’t do that.”

  11. Because men crave variety and a woman’s primary agency is her sexuality.

    But for women, a man’s status, success, and their ability to protect is paramount.

    We are not designed to be the nice looking ones anyway. We are utilitarian.

  12. I think you’re crazy. You can’t get 5 women to agree on a guy if he’s attractive or not. Millions of women are fucking short dudes, fat dudes, skinny dudes, muscular dudes. They find many different types attractive they just have very specific types. If they like big guys they like big guys, if they like skinny guys they like skinny guys.

    You get 5 guys and 1 girl and they will mostly all agree if she’s attractive or not. Guys have a broader general range of what they find attractive.

    Your version of what they find attractive is what men find attractive in other men. All the guys that look like that are in media advertising to men, not women.

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