my daughter’s father (26) and i (26) were just ‘friends with benefits’ when i ended up getting pregnant. i made it very clear from the beginning that i didn’t want a relationship. i was still healing from an abusive relationship that i was in a couple years prior and i was, (still am), figuring who i am/what i want, without being influenced by anyone else. he seemed to be totally content with our situation until after i got pregnant. after telling him i was pregnant, he started trying to force me into a relationship with him. i’ve been keeping our relationship strictly as co-parents and i continue to make it clear that we will never be together, but now he’s claiming that he has to move out of his place next week and that if he can’t stay with me, he’ll be homeless. i know that he doesn’t have any family who lives in the state, and apparently he doesn’t have any friends he would let him stay with them, but he won’t accept ‘no’ for an answer. i’ve always had a hard time saying no to people. as i’ve gotten older it’s gotten a lot easier, but i still moments where i cave, and im worried this’ll be one of them. for over 2 weeks now, he’s been asking, (more like begging), to stay with me and even though my answer hasn’t changed, it hasn’t mattered what i say or how i say it, he won’t let it go. it’s become an argument we have daily now, multiple times a day. im just tired lol. i want so badly to give in just so i don’t have to listen to him bitch about it anymore, but i have absolutely no doubt that if i let him stay with me, he’ll have a million excuses as to why he’ll need to stay a little longer, and ultimately will just refuse to leave altogether 🙂

i’ve run out of different ways to say no, so if anyone has any new advice/ideas, i’d love to hear it 👍🏼 (there is a baby involved that i’m trying to keep things somewhat civil for, so i do need to avoid hurting his feelings too badly lol)

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