I (22M) dated a girl for about 5 weeks. We were friends for a while before this and shared a lot of interests. I had feelings for her well before we started dating and to my surprise she actually initiated the romantic stuff, which I think caused me to fall for her hard and behave a little too clingy in the time that we were together.

After those 5 weeks, she told me that while she enjoys spending time with me she doesn’t see our relationship going further right now and wants to return to being platonic. No other reason was given, but again I think I came off as slightly desperate (texting most days, always being the one to set up dates when I should’ve been giving space in between). She was very clear when we started dating that she shared my feelings and had felt that way for a long time. Given that we knew each other well beforehand, I don’t see her just suddenly losing those feelings out of the blue. Maybe fear of commitment suddenly set in or something? Avoidant attachment style?

I’ve been in no contact for about a month, trying hard to focus on work, gym, friends, and talking to other girls but also subconsciously hoping she’ll come back. A few days ago, she sent several snapchats (mostly small talk, asking how I am, etc). I know this could mean a lot of things, but is that at least a possibility? I don’t see how a woman who was crazy about me and got to know me before we became romantic can lose interest so quick. I guess my question is, have you ever rekindled things with someone you dated briefly and is it possible to fix things and build a stronger relationship? I’m having a rough time with this because I’ve never felt this much of a spark with someone. The idea that we had a mutual attraction for so long makes it really confusing for me if it’s just going to just fizzle out like this.. I’m not sure what to do now other than try to move on and leave the ball in her court.

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