Do you consider countries like Russia, India, China to be a threat to the US considering their power?

  1. Not a threat in the way you probably mean. But more indirectly in terms of how they can influence economics, tariffs, etc. Absolutely not militarily though.

  2. China yes, Russia and India no. Russia is annoying but not genuinely threatening. India has the potential to be a problem but currently is not.

  3. China and Russia, to a large extent. India, not really (in fact, US policy towards India is significantly based on viewing the country as a strategic partner against China).

  4. Russia is mostly just a threat to itself at this point. India isn’t a threat to anyone they don’t border, and China would probably collapse if it was engaged in any major conflict. Besides nukes, they are not a threat to US survival.

  5. China, absolutely. Russia, yes, but they are looking less and less powerful by the day.

    India has a ways to go before they are even in the conversation.

  6. Considering the fact that Russia played a role in meddling with our elections in 2016 and is one of the main drivers of disinformation due to troll farms and bots online that create propaganda to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. China posing a risk to national security through frequent cyber attacks whilst fueling propaganda themselves. India? I’m not sure.

    People have been complaining that China and cyber security is not really a big thing. Recently my mom who works at a smaller casino here had her work shut down for four days due to Chinese hackers. Casino’s have a good amount of information about people especially their workers and who knows what information they collected.

  7. I would consider India more of an ally (although the Canada incident was not good).

    China – yes. We clearly don’t share the same values, they actively steal IP, are belligerent AF, etc.

    Russia – yes. I wish they would take a different direction, but they make some really bad decisions.

    Neither of the latter two are directly a military threat; it’s what they do to smaller neighbors and if that escalates. Oh, and cyber threats.

    …and btw, I have both Russian and Chinese friends. The governments suck. My friends are cool.

  8. India – not a threat. Our interests rarely intersect. They are much more concerned with India than anything else.

    Russia and China

    Much more concerned with their mastery of soft power (a particular weakness of the US).

    I’m also concerned they will start to lean into asymmetric strategies as their demographics collapse.

    That said, neither poses a threat to the US directly. But they have the resources to turn the rest of the world into a living nightmare and potentially the motivation to do so.

    I don’t think either of them have any real ability to usurp the US’ role in the world, but they both have the potential to destroy the American world order through the use of nukes, propaganda, and digital warfare/terrorism. As they wane (and they are waning), they might decide that if they can’t emerge as leaders in a global political union that no such union should be allowed to exist.

  9. Russia and China most definitely.

    India I see as both collaborator and competitor economically, and as a collaborator on security issues

  10. A “threat” doesn’t have to be someone that could kick your ass in a stand up fight. It can just be someone that could cause problems. 

    All three readily can, one way or another. China is a growing regional power and already holds significant economic sway. Russia is on the decline but still capable of causing a lot of trouble through asymmetric attacks, India has some ability in that department but right now they’re a bit of a global sleeping giant. They haven’t dedicated a lot of resources to the ability to project influence but has plenty of ability to do so if it becomes a bigger priority to them and china’s growth may well spur them on.

  11. India, not really
    Russia, no
    China, yes but not their navy that’s for sure. They have a lot of bodies to throw, and a lot of really good fighter aircraft, and more industrial capability than the US

  12. China and Russia both have nukes and conventional missiles that can hit the U.S. mainland so they are most definitely a threat. Mutually assured destruction does make it unlikely they will actually use these weapons against us, but the risk isn’t zero so it’s a low probability world ending empact type threat. They also have cyber capabilities and other gray zone tactics they can use to harm us without triggering war or MAD.

    Iran is more of a regional power, but still a threat to US forces and allies in the Middle East.

    India is still pretty far away from being a military power on par with China or Russia. While they are pursuing strategic autonomy, they do seem to be more aligned with the West compared to China so I wouldn’t call them a threat.

  13. They’re threats to US interests, and in Chinas case, a moderate threat to our economy.

    But militarily? Lol, not a snowballs chance in hell.

  14. Russia is the only threat to the US, IMO. China was a bigger threat 15-20 years ago, but their middle class is growing at such a rate that I just don’t think a US-China war would realistically ever happen. We’re too co-reliant on each other for trade and IMO the CCP has lost a lot of their iron grip on the country in recent years. India lmao, no. They are growing but so much of the country still lives in extreme poverty and technologically they’re just really far behind.

  15. I would say they are economic competitors, not enemies or threats. Nobody since 1812 has been a dangerous military threat to the U.S. mainland.

  16. Russia chiefly because of their information warfare against us makes us divided and resentful amongst ourselves and paralyzes us on acting in our own interest. Also because they turn other countries against us. China because they steal our IP and use that to compete with our industry. There are other reasons i’m too drunk and lazy now to type on my phone. India isnt an ally but arent a threat

  17. Russia, no but possibly through propaganda.

    China, yes to an extent.

    India, no. It’s not even close enough to be a threat to begin with, plus we’ll probably end up getting closer in reaction against China.

  18. Not in the sense that I’m concerned they’re going to go to war with/invade us. They may/have been fighting us for influence and over economic matters for sure though.

  19. Between the US and China it’s more an economic war atm. Trump and Biden haven’t helped by putting sanctions on trade, but such is the way of the US hegemony.

  20. I don’t think any country or group of countries is a threat to the US. Sure, maybe they are threat to the power and influence of the US. However, the last country to be a threat to the US itself was *maybe* the USSR and even that is a stretch

  21. A military threat to directly confront the US? No, none of them. Russia and China are vigorously attempting to undermine our political and economic institutions through cyber attacks. All three are led by people who don’t hesitate to repress and even murder their opponents. Two vicious dictators and one vicious almost-dictator.

  22. The US Navy alone can project almost unbelievable amounts of power anywhere on earth. Even without the nukes, all three of those nations combined wouldn’t make it out of their ports.

    The real threat is using different means to having us destroy ourselves from within. Russia is particularly good in this arena.

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