I am a mess right now and emotions all over the place because I wanted my marriage to work and still do!

I’m just so loss and confuse and hurt! I’m not gonna play innocent I play part of it too …
4 days ago l ‘ posted in here how my husband baby mama was all in our relationship business and I didn’t like that because that women hated my gut for absolutely nothing. Well I decided to talk to him about that he should tell her to mind her business well he went on defending her by telling me that I curse her once ( aka the baby mama). The only reason why I curse her out was because I was defending myself. So I got mad and told him that I know what he was defending and if I was in his way to let me know… the subject ended for the night and we were talking fine and the next day he brought it up again and I told him the same thing! I don’t want his baby mama in my business. Mind you that he was already started not answering my text or telling me good morning! I would ask him ” you can’t say good morning now or thank you?” We were having a conversion on having kids because he wanted to try for kids and I asked him if he was ready to have another child, does he have time! Then he put it on me and saying I was the one asking for a child ! When I confront him about it! He said
” I dunno,” plus there’s this baby mama problem” then I I told him” why not tell her to mind her business! Then we were texting later on about his cousin moving in and asked his if he would consider asking his causing if they can share a room together! Then he told if I wanted him to move I could just told him then I stated that I didn’t (I know that’s the part I messed up in for even suggesting that) then started not responding to my texts! I texted
“husband???? Then he responded with now you now you have a husband. Then I told him I already knew, then he quote the text where I suggested him and his cousin move together then I told him to let it go, .. welp after that it was little text we dia, I wake him up for work and he didn’t text me at all! I texted him about important information like taxes and he didn’t respond! So I let it slide try not to start with more drama! Two days later (yesterday) I wake up a little bit earlier and try to put in his password that we both share the same! Oh guess what he changed it ! I acted like I didn’t know ! He did a little texting when I told him how much I made in the tax!
Then I told him I’m gonna stop bothering him and he responded that would be a blessing. I stop texting him until he texted me then he got a little more texting and I thought everything was going back to normal! Late at night 10pm | texted him if he missed me ! He didn’t respond. He arrive home from work 30 minute after I got home and he just said ” hey” in a bitter voice and went to the room. I wee folding his clothes in the living room so i decided to call my cousin ( male) Then we’re started gossiping a little and joked about then being gay? I don’t know trigger him but he remove find my location we both share and went out. I snapped so I screenshot it and send it to him with the caption let’s plan frennn. I went out and decided to go to a gas station for a good 30 minute then went outside of hooters (restaurant) for 5 which that’s what I was discussing with my cousin about bringing him food! I was explaining everything to the god father of the marriage even though I shouldn’t because he’s also my husband best friend and I told him whatever I told you is between me and you but I know he already knew it all. I went back home and surprising we arrive at the same time. When i went inside he stayed at the bathroom so I went to sleep! I wake up in the middle of the night to find him sleeping in the couch! I couldn’t sleep cause everything was replaying in my head !

Tl … my husband baby got all over my business even though she doesn’t like me and I told him to tell her to mind her business but he refuse . Asked him a question and he got mad . Now he here ! Any advice please !

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