My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 years. Ever since the beginning of our relationship, I’ve told him I don’t like when people leave on a bad note. So for us, I asked him if we could say I love you to each other before heading out anywhere, no matter how far it is. I’ve explained to him that you never know what could happen, he could wreck, or I could fall down the stairs, anything really. So for good conscience I like to say I love you, so that could be at least the last thing we said to each other. When I originally explained this to him he understood my sentiment. He doesn’t have a problem with saying it when we are on good terms. However, when we argue he doesn’t like to say it back. It annoys/angers him, and he leaves anyways. Should I stop having this rule about leaving on good terms? Maybe I’m just too anxious and am overthinking.

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