It isn’t even much, went from 90kg to 86, but she says I’m looking “emaciated” already.

I’m a month in and she’s already upset about it and says it’s unhealthy. Things didn’t improve when a common friend (female) made a comment that in her opinion mine is a sound decision and I already look better after cutting back on alcohol: this gave my girlfriend’s the idea I’m doing it to attract other women.

This is not my intention, I told her time and time I’m doing it for my health, especially after my father died at not even 60 in a way that deeply traumatized me and my sisters (he came home after a big dinner out, had a stroke and agonized the whole night), but this isn’t getting through with her.

She’s not even overweight, she is fit, she exercises and eats well, she even has a little abs. I don’t understand why she’s not fine with me doing the same and even refuses to help me with it. How can I talk my reasons to her?

TL;dr My girlfriend is very unhappy that I’m trying to get fit

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