I’m lost. Just finished my first year of college, and I was surprisingly sad to leave on Wednesday. My life feels like it’s flying by. On top of this, I had to watch the girl I liked (who I took to my fraternity formal) make out with this guy the whole night at a frat party. I still haven’t lost my virginity, and I’ve only kissed a few girls. And things are so different than high school – I used to be popular and friends with everyone, but in college, I have few close friends. I feel like I joined the wrong fraternity – I don’t relate to a good amount of the people in the house. Also, when I came back and hung out with my friends from home, I realized how different they are. I have a bad feeling that I’m not going to enjoy hanging out with them nearly as much as I did last summer. I just want to go back to school, my few close friends are all staying there. I can probably visit once or twice over the summer, but that’s about it. I want to meet more, intellectually-oriented, cool, fun-having people. I want to go date a girl who’s beautiful and I can love with all my heart. I just want to be content with where I am. I just feel like I had an incredibly unfulfilling year.

The only thing really keeping me going is the fact that I can improve myself a lot over summer. I’m excited to hit the gym and pay more attention to my physical health, bettering my physical appearance simultaneously. Other than that, I’m lost. How do I regroup myself?

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