My (31m) friend (23F) finally broke up with her abusive bf but how to we prepare for any retaliation?

I’ll try to keep this brief.

My friend (23F) revealed to me one day, when I simply asked how she and her bf were doing, revealed a horrifying truth. She was being sexually, emotionally and physically abused. Like the literal definition of each of those. It took a whole month of me talking to her, relaying advice from others I knew who went through similar, I even shared my own experiences with my emotionally abusive sister and the time I was SA.
After all that effort…she finally decided to break up with him. He is currently visiting family in FL and I convinced her to use this as the golden opportunity cuz of the safe distance. She told him she told her grandma (only fam she has left), that he was driving her to suicidal thoughts and to never contact her. Blocked all his social media and phone before he could respond.
This man is VILE! He has raped her, put her down, threatened (if she ever did) to kill any guy she cheats with and then beat her to a pulp, and even said he was gonna sodomize her as punishment for her saying a joke he found offensive (which he knows hurts her and she has stated she’s cried from the pain). And he owns a gun.
To prepare for his return, here’s what we have so far:
1. Will call cops if he shows up on their property.
2. Will get retraining order if he approaches her (they have a lawyer’s contact info)
3 she has pepperspray.
4. Have location of an abuse shelter.
5. Have the hotline for abuse.

But if there’s any other ideas, share them. And I should note, she says she is afraid for me too. We hooked up once last year, he knows what I look like, and knows I have suggested leaving him many times. He doesn’t know anything else and my friend gave me his social media links so I could block him ahead of time. I have his name and face.

But we r trying to think of any other suggestions. This is a new ballpark for me and the guy has a conceal carry permit.

All advice is welcome!

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