Some background, we have a seven month old baby, and both of us work. Me full time, her part time. There’s no financial stresses on us, but it’s more of the day to day things that are taking a lot of mental energy for her. What meals to make for bubby, when does she need to sleep, change diapers, etc.

These are all things I know about and I help out wherever I can, but I want to know what other things there are that might be not so obvious, either to her or myself.

I try to make sure I give her regular back scratches, massages, head rubs, make meals, take care of bubby when I’m not at work, etc. Is there anything else I can do?

She’s not super stressed or feeling tired, I just want to do more to help her.

TL;DR Wife is often mentally tired on a night, what can I do to help her more?

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