Fwb for 4 months. The other night she came over and asked if ive been seeing other girls recently. I told her the truth, that I sometimes do (because we are fwb and are open to dating others). She had a sad look on her face, and so i asked her the same and She told me shes not seeing anyone else. I want to go exclusive with her, but for whatever reason, i didnt really feel the need to tell her in that exact moment. Like it literally just wasnt in my thoughts at the time. It was more of “are you seeing other girls?” and I asked if shes seeing other guys, and we didnt really elaborate much further, or I guess I didnt really “lead” the convo.

It wasnt until after she went home that night, that I realized she may have been wanting to go exclusive, or at least talk about it. Its just because my ex asked me the same thing, and she wanted to go exclusive about 3 weeks later. So I didnt feel a need to pounce on that moment.

Anyways, now I feel like my fwb feels rejected and that im not interested. The truth is i want to be exclusive with her, and that i dont have any romantic feelings for the other girl im seeing. Is it too late? Does she feel rejected? Did i fuck it up or is everything at the right pace?

Ideally, we see each other again and ill bring it up myself and ask her.. but i dont want her to feel rejected and not wanna see me again, without me having a chance to collect my thoughts on that convo and reciprocate it. Im gonna ask her to hang out tomorrow and ask her then, but not sure if its too late.

Like i said, my ex asked me and for 3 weeks after it just naturally happened. Im kind of hoping my fwb takes it in stride and views it as a progression and not that being the make or break convo. Do I have anything to worry about or is everything happening at the pace its supposed to be, more naturally?

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