33M, I’ve ignored dating and relationships for the past 10 years after being hurt quite a lot.

I’ve met this girl (in her 20s) 2 weeks ago, she just arrived in the country, we exchanged numbers. Sent a her a message one week later for a date, she said yes.

Amazing first date, we got a short lunch then spent like 4 hours layed down in a park, talking, touching, lots of similar tastes, shared a lot, lots of flirting, so much butterflies in my chest and so much feelings. She seemed to want to reach for more “contact” but I didn’t feel confident, when we left off it seemed she was waiting for a kiss but it didn’t feel right and I just kissed her on the cheek.

I then sent her a text thanking her and she reiterated that she really wanted to see me again soon, and I said I wanted too. However not much texting, like at all, she’s also never initiating. Asked her 1 days later to see her Saturday she said she had other plans, asked her the day after she said she was busy this whole week, then I asked her again today to meet next week and now I’m being ghosted.

I’m feeling so bad right now I wanna puke. Self-esteem has done a full emotional elevator in less than a week and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I thought it was better to take it slow… I wanted to much to go faster but restrained myself cause she appeared so shy… I honestly have no idea what I’m doing and what to think of her or if me..


I can’t thank everyone in here enough for their support, honestly you bros are so great and you helped me a lot. I had a hard time sleeping last night due to processing all of this.

I just woke up, it’s 7:30, still feeling it in my stomach. I’m going to the gym, IDGAF anymore.

I’ll maybe text her in a few weeks to give her feedback on some activity she advised me to do (and that I want to do anyway), and see what happens.

Honestly, on the good part it’s not so bad, the fact that all this happened in the first place is a success, sure it didn’t go as well I would’ve hoped, but now I just want to both harden myself and try again with other girls, like this waitress I’ve been hitting off here and there. Let’s see what happens..

Thx for the boost of confidence. Now I also want to have a look into online dating, which I’ve never tried before..

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