I’ve been dating my partner for 10 years. We did talk about marriage, but when the pandemic hit, we put a hold on that. We are 34F and 33M. We do not have kids.

Lately, I’m finding myself more bored in my relationship than ever. I feel like both of us feel like we’re living with roommates. Like both of us no longer want to try.

I’ve lost physical attraction to my partner/sexual interest, and now I feel like I’m losing interest in him as a person as well.

I don’t miss him when he’s gone or goes on trips. I don’t feel giddy and excited for him to come home.

Has this relationship run its course? I talked to a therapist about this and she said all relationships go through this and love is a choice/takes hard work. She said if I don’t deal with this problem, it’s just going to play out in the next relationship.

Is this true? What can I look at/do before making a drastic decision?

I loved him deeply for many years but I just kind of feel empty about it at this point.

I do love and respect him as a person, but it no longer feels like a romantic connection.

I’ve only had 2 long term relationships (6 years and 10 years) and I’m worried this might be a serial monogamy pattern where I get bored when the love fades and would just happen again.

How can I tell?

Tl;dr – Our 10 year relationship’s honeymoon phase is over and I don’t know how to get out of the “we feel like roommates” stage. I’m bored. I’m not attracted to him anymore. Do I break it off and move on, or is this just going to happen again with serial monogamy?

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