I’m 21F. There’s this boy in my uni class. We take the same courses together. We’ve had classes together for over a year now. This boy has never noticed me before, never gave me a compliment and only speaks to me when it’s absolutely necessary. Fast forward to second semester of our second year. On this particular day, said boy approaches me and tells me I look different and pretty. I asked why and he said:”you don’t normally dress this way”. I laughed and ignored him. Few days later we are standing in front of our lab and he hugs me from behind asking me how I am and requests for a photo together.
Since then he always hugs me from behind and tries to make small talk.
Do you guys think he is into me or what?
What should I do? I’m confused

  1. I would definitely ask why the sudden change in behavior. That makes me uneasy. Unless, he had always noticed you but never had the courage to do anything. Maybe he got overly gutsy and now acting like a kid in a candy shop. May be proud of himself. None the less- clarification and good communication is key.

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