Hey 30+ guys. I’m still in my 20s but I don’t want to be the same “person” I am when I’m 30. I’m not a total f***-up, but im still addicted to nicotine, junk food, and video games. I waste most of my time, but I’m passing in college… so that’s a plus.

Point is, I have friends I grew up with who are all college dropouts and still addicted to weed. I quit that months ago bc it was destroying my life. Problem is, I ditched them to quit but they never stop texting or trying to call me. Especially in the middle of the night when I’m sleeping. They are always asking why I’m ghosting them and if I’m ok and blah blah blah. I never text back bc I have no clue what to say.

It makes me feel guilty. I’m not better than them and would still consider myself a loser. Just trying to be less of a loser. Also, a lot of them are still close with my family so it’s not like I won’t ever see them again.

1. How can I distance myself from them in the best possible way?
2. How can I set myself up for my 30s in the best possible way?

Anyone have inspiring stories that have similar backgrounds?

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