Hey guys I (31NB) have a sort of moral quandary that I’ve been dealing with for so long and I need to know what I can do to remedy the problem.

Straight to the point: Every time I’ve had sex with a man, on average it lasts a grand total of 2 minutes, the longest of which was 2 hours (but only because we used numbing gel). For some background, I’m AFAB and don’t really have sex much anymore, but even when I do have it on a consistent basis with male partners (like multiple times a day multiple days a week) I still have the same outcome.

We do the foreplay for a bit, then we get to penetration and I’m loving it, but a few pumps later and it’s over. During aftercare I always get the same thing: “Wow, that’s never happened before.” or some comment about my pussy being tight if we’ve been having sex consistently and I’m kinda spiraling. I’m not conventionally attractive, I’m overweight, and I feel as if it has nothing to do with how “good” my vagina feels but more so that theres something wrong with me? They never complain about being tired so I know it isn’t that. And the mantra “This has never happened before” is far too consistent to just be a coincidence. I’ve literally WITNESSED repeat partners have sex with other people and it lasts so much longer (I’m poly and on multiple occasions before my wife and I had multiple shared partners before we met our mutual boyfriend). It even happens with our shared boyfriend!

Are they not that into me? Are there exercises that I should be doing? I’ll admit I do a lot of kegels and pelvic floor exercises. Is that the problem? To add: I’m not really a fan of super duper long sexy times just because sex isn’t a huge thing for me, so I’m not exactly looking to extend the time by an hour or anything. Personally, I just want to the fun to last a little longer and since I’m the common denominator here the issue has to be me. There’s no way every single man I’ve been with are all premature ejaculators. What can I do?

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