\*\*TL;DR;\*\* : My girlfriend is into social dancing, and I have started taking classes but still haven’t seen any interest from her in wanting to dance with me or introduce me to her group. I’m not too sure if this is something I should be worried about, is it too soon and should I sit back and wait for her to come to me?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months now. When we first met she expressed that one of the things she was into is social dancing, specifically latin styles. When she told me I quickly expressed that I too love to dance but wasn’t into any social dancing scene, largely because I didn’t really know about social dancing. I grew up with my parents competing as amateurs and remember them taking all kinds of classes, I just never had the chance or reason to take it up myself.

I know that at the beginning she went out a few times, and I wished her a good time each time. Then as we got closer we started using our free time to go on dates and get to know each other. Now her friends (single girls) have popped back in and begun telling her to come out. I should also mention that at the start we agreed that we didn’t wan’t to introduce each other to our friends so quickly and wanted to grow our relationship first. So about a few weeks ago in an attempt to better understand and feel more comfortable, I started taking private Bachata dance lessons with a Pro. He said I have a lot of potential and when I told my GF she said this made her very happy and that it was so sweet.

Last night they asked her out again and she declined. She said it was because she is on her period and just wasn’t in the mood. A part of me thinks that she is afraid that I won’t be able to handle seeing her dance with other men, but I know that since we are getting very serious and have been talking about a future, that this is something I will have to learn to face sooner or later, hence the reason I started taking classes. She also mentioned that she hasn’t gone out lately with them because of all the drinking and hooking up that goes on.

I just find it a little odd that she hasn’t expressed any interest in us trying to dance together either, or even mentioned anything about inviting me out to meet her social dance group any time soon. There’s also a very tiny part of me that wonders is she’s hiding something, but i don’t like to entertain that because I trust her. I guess the question is how do I approach this without making things seemed forced? What are you thoughts on the situation? Should I just leave her alone about it, or when is a good time when we should be past this whole “not introducing each other to each others friends” thing?



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