Been in a relation with f25 for around 2 yrs, more than a yr LDR.
We r usually free by night around 11 11 30.And I wait for her until she’s free, although I am an early sleeper.
And we don’t call/talk during the entire day, other than randomly texting here and there.
The thing is whenever we talk for a few days continuously at night, not always for much long, she seems to have her life out of her hands because of talking to me. Like the next day she talks to me like all her issues would be solved if she had slept at 11 Instead of 12 12 30.
And this has happened multiple times on separate occasions.
I don’t ask for hours, I just ask for atleast half an hour. And ik it’s not possible everyday.
And when she behaves that way, I try not to ask her to call me when she’s free. And then she would ask me what’s wrong and somehow I feel silly for feeling bad earlier.

Also she calls randomly in the evenings at times, and talks for like 3 to 5 mins and cuts the call in a rush.

And last Eve.. I texted her saying that I don’t feel okay.. coz I am in a new place and it just feels alone here.
And she told me she’s going to sleep at 11, without having any calls. And I was fine with it coz I thought some work has come up. And today when I asked her what was it last night, she said she just wanted to sleep.

Ik these things should not hurt me too much. And she’s a sweetheart otherwise.
But I often feel like I am nagging for conversations and calls.

So plz tell me if I am overreacting

TL;DR, am i overreacting by asking for conversations

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