I’m giving a try to an app called RoadMap where you can set up social challenges for yourself, as well as it has some CBT related content. The reason I decided to look for something like that and give it a try is because what I notice about myself is that I’m really good at creating excuses for procrastinating, especially socially related things that aren’t my strong suit, unless someone is there to push me, or an app / habit / etc in a pinch. I realize I create all kinds of stories why now is not the time and need to be pushed to own my desires.

So far I’m enjoying the app, although it definitely seems a bit in beta and barebones. I’m try it every day for two weeks I think and see if I benefit.

For what it’s worth, I’m sort of mild-to-moderate social anxious. I’ve had long depressive episodes in my life where I was very avoidant. Right now I’d say I’m doing much better and most people who know me say from work probably don’t see me as socially anxious at all, because I don’t mind speaking out in public and even crave attention. However I don’t really have close personal friends and feel my relationships can be somewhat wooden and inauthentic. I have a strong desire to have more intimate and emotional relationships, as well as take more risks socially, throw parties, and generally feel less guarded and bland. I do a lot of redditing, daydreaming, and writing and feel frustrated that more of my personality doesn’t show in real life.

I saw there were a few other apps like this and am curious other people’s experience.

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