I’ve been with my boyfriend since I was 19 (turning 24 in June) and despite how much I care about my boyfriend, I’ve never gotten anywhere close to an orgasm with him (or had an orgasm with any partner for that matter).

We’ve had this conversation multiple times and he’s very receptive to try to improve things. He wants direction on how to please me but I really don’t know what to say or how to vocalize what feels good. I’ve only had one previous sexual partner who got me VERY close to an orgasm but he finished 30 seconds before I did so that was that. That also happened almost five years ago so I don’t necessarily remember what he did specifically, but I do remember the disappointment of being so close but never getting to cross the finish line, lol.

At this point I’m struggling to stay wet and we use lube more often. He’s a fantastic and caring partner in a multiple other ways but now that we are talking about marriage and real futures together I’m getting bummed out that this is what sex is for me. Partnered sex definitely feels over hyped and I prefer vibrators. It’s definitely not his fault though, I just don’t have the experience or the knowledge to tell him what TO do other than slow down. Sometimes I do just want him to hammer just to get it over with and move on.

Any advice or tips on what to do?

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