I wasn’t really sure where to post this rant but I just wanted to share what may be a less likely scenario than the norm since my circle is very progressive and liberal. I think most people experience the opposite scenario, they feel pressure to change their name. For me, I feel pretty intense pressure to *NOT* change it. Like, I am starting to feel so awkward and am cringing at how it’s going to go when people find out.

I got married a couple years ago and want to change my name, just haven’t gotten to it lol but now I finally am. I mostly have gotten negative feedback from people which has been wild. One friend literally gasped in shock and looked at me like I was a freak…”are you serious?!”…I’ve had some argue with me. I’ve had some tell me my husband is controlling me. People have said off-hand, “oh you wouldn’t actually change your name right?”. Like???

Those things suck to hear. I know it shouldn’t matter, right. I’m gonna do it anyway, but I’m just saying, I can’t catch a break.

My reasoning for changing my name is simply A) I want to, it’s a solid last name and it’s much easier to pronounce than my current one. B) I also just want to have the same last name as my husband. Not that I need to justify it…but I very much DO need to justify it???

If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t do it. It just sucks that I feel like women can’t win on this one. You don’t do it in some circles you’d get flack, for me I get flack for doing it 😑

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