What did you notice first?

  1. See? Almost a whole year once I was down 40 pounds due to strict diet and exercise.

    Feel? Within a week or two, I can usually feel my stamina going up and fitness increasing.

  2. I saw results after the first week. It was a combination of eating right and going to the gym every other day.

  3. In strength I noticed changes in the first week, physically I noticed glute growth within about 2-3 months

  4. When I was a newbie, about 3 months. I noticed I had a tiny bit of muscle shape coming through.

    I saw good visible progress after 1.5 years of consistent nutrition and weightlifting. Decent muscle definition in the areas I wanted, inches gained and lost in areas I was hoping for.

    My progress exploded in growth when I hired a personal trainer, and I saw more progress in 1 month with her than I did in that 1.5 years (seriously).

    Turns out, I didn’t know what working out hard meant, until I met her lol. My nutrition was in check, but amping up my effort made all the difference. So I got yolked pretty quickly after that.

  5. I think it was pretty fast, a couple months. I had been doing martial arts for some years before and then I reached the age where I could and should start going to the gym. The benefits were almost immediate.

  6. After having a baby. When I went back to the gym it took about 3 months to see results like muscle tone and definition. It took me a good year after the baby to lose the last 20lbs I was holding onto.

  7. Depends on what you consider results.

    For me, almost immediately. My body felt less sore than when I didn’t workout, I felt that my posture was easier to maintain, and mentally I felt great.

  8. Progress takes time! 10 pounds when I started noticing a change in clothes and fit, 30 or so when my confidence shifted. Now at 55 pounds I get compliments often on my progress. With that said, you can go to the gym every single day.. but what really matters is your diet. I enjoy my time at the gym! A ton. But I have to spend a little time in the kitchen prepping also. ❤️ best of luck friend.

  9. Probably after 1-2 months I started to see a lot more definition in my arms, legs, and back. Worth noting that I was starting from being medically underweight and trying to gain muscle up to a healthy weight, so I was probably able to see gains quickly.

  10. it depends what u mean. I noticed that w regular workouts on the machines I was able to fairly quickly increase the weight 5 lbs etc. Go 2x/week. Poop out your muscles. Ear a good amount of protein (100 gms?) and u should see results. Ask a trainer to help if u r unsure.

  11. About 6 weeks for me every time. I’ll start to see a difference in my physique. Usually though I’ll begin to feel it within the first week. 

  12. Bloating- 2 weeks. One glute growth (yes that’s right) in 4 weeks. The other one is catching up after 12 weeks

  13. About two months! I’ve always gone to the gym on/off but in January I started consistently working out hard 3-4 days a week.

    Visually, I started noticing some definition on my legs but strength wise I feel A LOT stronger. To be totally honest, I’m already very slim so I wasn’t trying to lose weight. Only build strength! I heard that it takes a lot longer and it’s a lot harder to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

  14. Depends on how often you exercise and where you are in your fitness journey. I workout 5-6x/week and saw results within a month. However, I’ve been in and out of the gym for years.

    If you’re a beginner I’d say at least 6-12 weeks to see a noticeable difference. Consistency and diet is key here. If you’re eating more calories than you burn (be honest with yourself here) then it will take you much longer to see results.

    A high protein and low/no carb diet (besides whole grains) is the best way to get in shape.

  15. I have no idea how truly accurate it is.. but I love this quote.

    In 2 weeks you’ll feel it.
    In 4 weeks you’ll see it.
    In 8 weeks you’ll hear it.

    I never hear it lol. But I love the motivation working towards week 8 (I’m usually in a more consistent routine by then too!).

    Whenever I take care of my nutrition and work out steadily after being an absolute child with my health for a long period of time, I definitely notice that the 2 and 4 weeks are accurate for me.

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