So my gf(22F) and i(22M) been together for more than a year and had a minor breakup a few weeks back with regards to communication but we got back after deciding to work on our communication and things have been really great. We’ve been transparent with each other and have communicated effectively.
Yesterday my gf told me she doesn’t wanna be physical as in she doesn’t wanna go past kissing and that she isn’t comfortable with it and not just that she isn’t comfortable with a lot of physical things like holding hands in public or forehead kisses. I agreed with it but I felt so bummed for some reason and I feel guilty for it. I am someone who’s love language is physical touch and small things like holding hands and forehead kisses mean the world to me. We were pretty intimate before our breakup but this just came as a shock to me.
For me her comfort matters the most and if she doesn’t wanna do it I will always respect it. But I felt hurt because I felt like I am compromising on my love language :(. We both are in the same uni and we don’t get intimate unless we’re in a hotel room and that only happens few times a year since we can’t afford to book rooms every time. I just feel guilty as to why I am feeling sad 🙁
I feel like I should prioritise her comfort and that’s the right thing to do and I’ll always respect her decision
But at the same time I feel so hurt and compromised
How can I navigate such a situation where both of us can reach a mutual situation?

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