I turn 30 next week and concerned about my progress slowing down as I’m getting older. I’m been relatively in shape most of my 20s but only started seriously lifting at 27 and saw some great results. They have slowed down, think i just got past the newbie gains phase, but should I expect a drastic decrease in size and strength gains as I start my 30s?

Edit: Thanks everybody, these were all super encouraging comments to read! Much less concerned about my physique entering my 30s now

  1. No bro – in the best shape of my life right now in very early 30’s. Have been lifting for a decade too. Eat clean , work hard and minimise alcohol

  2. There’s a gradual decline in test and your ability to recover. But it’s not like falling off a cliff. For average gym goers I would guess that you can counter act the gradual effects by being more disciplined in diet and recovery, at least in your 30s

  3. Opposite actually, 34 best shape of my life and feel like I actually lift right now. Slowly eliminated all the workouts that were injuring me through my 20s and replaced them with moves my body likes better.

  4. Not a lifter but a cyclist and I am at my highest level ever in my 30s started riding seriously when I was 22

  5. I broke bones, had knee recons in my 20s, once they healed went back to making gains at the gym.

    In my 30s I started to suffer back and joints problems, that prohibited good workouts and hence started to go backwards. More of a focus or remaining limber (stretching, yoga) and limiting stress on the body help maintain strength from my 20s.
    Diet and limiting alcohol was also more important to maintaining strength in my 30s.

  6. No. Its more manageable. The only thing is if you overdo it, recovery takes longer the older you get. And injuries are more costly the older you get. Work out smarter with all those years of exercise you learned.

  7. I got back into lifting last year after not having done so for a decade. 6 months ago I started going to the gym and doing heavier lifts, 3 months ago I matched my PRs I hit in high school (300lb bench, 400lb squat, etc.). I’m a 32 year old male.

    That being said I’m being way smarter about it than I was in high school:
    * Planned lifting regiment instead of ADHD lifting whatever machine looked empty
    * Protein powder + creatine + electrolyte supplements
    * Good sleep and diet.
    * Not cross training other sports like football, wrestling, & track and field which can get in the way of pure body building goals.

    I have felt like further gains have been slow now that I reached this point, but that’s honestly fine, I don’t need to get any bigger.

    I believe testosterone levels do start to drop in your 30s (albeit slowly). There are options to getting testosterone replacement therapy if it becomes bad, but there are health risks with that and you’d want to discuss it with your doctor first.

  8. I lift 2x a week during Busy work seasons and muscle memory is awesome.

    Lifting during my 20s helped a lot.

  9. I started at 23 and didn’t actually get shredded until 39.

    The newbie gains slow down, but there’s still so much road ahead of you if you train smart.

    I honestly feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s.

  10. In my 50s and I’m still adding weight to the bar, when I’m consistent anyways…lol

  11. My progress has improved in my thirties because I’ve been more focused and goal oriented. I’m also not drinking, smoking, being up all night making bad decisions.

  12. Slower overall but for reasons related to injury, tendonitis, etc requiring more stints of rest or light work. Harder to make steady progress. If I can avoid flare ups then I am still able to progress pretty well.

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