My girlfriend (21F) and I (20M) have been together for nearly two years, we have both always been very against cheating. This starts when a couple of weeks ago I was accepted to a new job that would take me out of state by 6 hours to work, this was a huge deal for me as it was a big stepping stone in my career. But it also meant I would only be home for short weekends and I know the kind of stress that would put on our relationship. So I talked it over with her and made sure it was OK with her if I took this job and she said yes that she was proud of me.

Today however she randomly suggested that if I wanted too on my work trip she would be fine with me having one night stands as she knows I don’t have as much experience as she does. My girlfriend had three previous boyfriends while she is my first and only. I instantly made it clear to her that I had no interest in sleeping with other women and was confused and sad that she thought that I would cheat out of curiosity. She’s all that I want and need, yet she claimed that if she gave me permission and she knew she would be fine with it.

In my eyes it’s cheating and though me and her have floated the idea of this in the past I always felt I made it clear that if it were ever to happen it would be 30 years in the future when im old and shriveled. I’m just disappointed and confused why she thinks I want to sleep with other women, I do my best to make sure she knows that she does more than needed for me and she’s all I want. Is it possible she has someone in mind for herself or mabye she feels guilty about having more experience than me.

I don’t know and could really use some advice on what to do going forward, I dont want to break up with her as I see her as being the one. I don’t beleive she would cheat or consider it but this gives me doubts I don’t want to have.

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