I’m 39 and I don’t have kids. I’ve never wanted kids. But I seem to have stumbled into a relationship with a man who has 9 year old son. He’s really nice and a good dad but I’m feeling like the third wheel. We work at the same place and have the same days off so he’s got his son on all our days off. Am I like being too selfish wanting to do things that don’t involve the kid? Like going to mexico? lol I’d like to go with my bf but if it’s a package deal I’d rather go alone or work a girlfriend. We are a year into the relationship and don’t live together. So I think I should still be able to enjoy life and still date him. Like I don’t mind the kid but I’m not stepping into no stepmother role. I didn’t produce this child. He’s already got parents. I’ve dropped him off at school when the bf wanted to go hunting early, I offered, he didn’t ask. It sucks cause everytime I wanna do something with him I’m like.. oh yeh.. school,
Oh yeh, hockey, oh yeh,, kids picky af and won’t eat real food lol yep I’m venting and wanna hear your vents and advice and experience.

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