What’s the nicest thing a woman has ever done for you?

  1. About 20 years ago, I came out of a relationship that went totally wrong by the end (gf repeatedly cheated on me and then accused me of being the bad guy). I had an extended chat with a woman who was in extended group of friends (and who had recently also broke up with her bf) during a night out. Then we chatted some more for a week, mostly me complaining about the break-up. After that, she offered that we should just get away from everything for a week and drive to Italy for some R&R.

    And so, quite spur of the moment, we did. A week later, we were driving to Verona and had a great time there. It put life in perspective again and got me out of the pits and ready to get on with things.

    I am forever grateful to her for that.

  2. Gave me a sandwich and a glass of water after I mowed her lawn in addition to paying me 10$.

  3. When I was about 10 years old this girl in my class at school who i sat next to came in one day and during a lesson she tapped my arm and then gave me this bookmark that she’d made herself, with my name on it and designs relating to Lord of The Rings – the first movie for which had just came out and I’d recently seen it and had talked to her about it a few days before.

    It was honestly such a surprising thing and has stuck with me all these years. Admittedly, this isn’t a “woman” as we were both kids but regardless its a great example of how meaningful small simple things can be to someone. Something you might think is “just a bookmark”, which perhaps this girl no longer even remembers now 15+ years later, is probably something I’ll never forget and I still actually have the bookmark to this day.

    The most impactful thing about it was the fact that we weren’t really friends, and didn’t know eachother super well. We actually used to bicker quite alot in class, if I recall, then she suddenly presented me with a handmade bookmark.

    IMO, small gestures of kindness like that which are personalised to someone are way more special than some elaborate gift or luxurious dinner. The latter isnt personal…it’s just materialistic.

  4. My ex wife bought my Smash Ultimate when it came out.

    I had been talking about it, and trying to figure out if I wanted it or not, since I had nobody to play with.

    So she got it, and when I was at work, she tried to learn a character (but ultimately told me she decided she hated the game before she revealed the present to me).

    I really wish I didn’t have to resort to my ex to answer this, but I can’t think of anything else a woman has done for me that couldn’t be summised as “just being a decent human being”

  5. She didn’t make much but she scrimped and saved for several months to buy me a very expensive cooler for work.

  6. I have never celebrated my birthday and I always spend it alone, I have met a girl recently and I confessed to her why I hate birthdays, on my birthday she came to my state ( we live in different states) she brings a gift a candle and she spent the whole morning with me it was one of the best things someone did to me she called me in the morning so I wasn’t ready for her visit like I was so fucking excited when I picked up my phone and she told me to prepare yourself I will be there in 30 mn

  7. Cooking a awesome dinner for me and when we use to go out she used to enjoy trying food and having fun chat while trying new things.. i really like people who are foodie.

  8. One of my ex’s made me a comic about how we met from her perspective, and included 3 steam games at the back! It’s honestly one of the best things I own.

  9. Back in high school, there was this girl, we’ll call McKenna. I was never close to her, but she was always really sweet. She’d always tell me Goodmorning when she saw me. When I seemed down, she’d give me a hug no questions asked, nothing said. Sometimes she’d ask how I was. I’m sure it wasn’t the sweetest thing a girls ever done for me, but it was the little things from someone I never truly got close with. Before we started speaking at all, I’d observe her out of curiosity, and Id notice so many little things about her that even she doesn’t seem to notice. I just graduated last week and I’m gonna miss her. Compared to everyone at my school, she was so sweet and had the purest intentions. I really hope she goes far in life. She deserves it.

  10. not the nicest but one of the nicest. Couple of months ago I was talking to this girl where I met at work. We were flirting. I was in a bad mood the whole day and she was at work it was my day off. We were talking about me, she was listening and not just listening. She was asking, trying to help and stuff. And usually when she is done with work, she goes straight to home and chill. But I asked if she could come to talk. And actually she did. She called me, showed up in my neighbourhood. We sit in front of my apartment(you know, on the stairs). We hugged, we talked, I opened my heart, I walked her to her apartment then walked back home. It was a good night, I was happy. It was good. She with her work dressings, me with my pijamas and shit lol. I felt good that night.

    For those who’s asking about how things are between us now. It didn’t work out. But the thing is: Yeah, sometimes it does not work out but that doesn’t change the good memories you have with that person. I mean yeah, we were somewhat understanding eachother and we were open to eachother about the relationship we have. But still, it didn’t work out and I’m kinda fine with it. Because you know, she helped me a little and I helped her a little. We did somewhat good. So, no need to be sorry that much.

  11. Knitted me a pair of socks. Best gift I have ever received hands down. She knitted them in the colors of my jacket and scarf so that they would be matching, it’s just such a sweet gift knowing how much thought and time went into it.

  12. Voluntarily plays my Spotify playlist when I’m there even though she hates my shit.

    Getting a thumbs up or something like that at the gym is also nice.

  13. I had a shit day at work one day, and the girl I was seeing came over to just chit-chat after I told her I had a bad day. She didn’t have to, but she asked if I wanted her to come over and we talked for like 2 hours and then she left. Best evening ever, almost immediately I felt way better when I opened the door and saw her

  14. Well recently, a uni friend on my course initially invited me out for a club night, but I’d went pretty hard on the booze to celebrate the end of the first year a few days prior so I didn’t feel like doing that. Instead of not meeting up, she invited me over to her flat instead – we just chilled, got KFC, played some Crash Team Racing, had a few laughs. But it’s what she said to me that really stuck with me – my mental health’s been in and out of the toilet since October and she made sure to ask if I was okay and made sure I knew I could talk to her if (i mean when) it ever ended up in the toilet again.

    That, however, takes second place to what she did when I ended up getting a bad result on my first portfolio submission. I felt downtrodden and worthless, and she could bloody well see it. I was walking out of the studio (i’m an architecture student) and she caught me, saw me, asked what had happened, I told her – she gave me the first hug I’d had in months, got us an uber up to the student halls (where she then had to leave), then bought me the trip onwards to the local Tesco that does my favourite beer. I’ll never forget that, ever. You know who you are if you’re reading this (you probably won’t ever find but fuck it), you may well have saved my ass from feeling low and sorry for myself for the next few weeks after that day. Thanks.

  15. My girlfriend is a devout Muslim. I was too before I left the faith. We had to break up because it simply couldn’t work. We were sitting together both of us crying. It was very hot almost 40 degrees and Ramadan (Muslims have to fast). I wasn’t fasting but she was. She had brought me cookies and candies despite the fact she herself was fasting and its considered disrespect. But somehow she knew I wasn’t fasting and she brought food for me, even when we were breaking up. I think of her every day. And I don’t think I can get a girl who loved me like she did, ever.

  16. I was homeless and around 21/22 years old. Couch surfing trying to find a job. I was sitting in a mall food court filling out a job application, this older woman approached me, sat down and started talking to me out of nowhere.

    After talking a for a few minutes this lady handed me a $100 and told me to not worry things will get better. She disappeared after that I never saw her again.

  17. Be my girlfriend for the last 3 and a half years and now I’m gonna marry her

  18. Highschool wasn’t really the best of times for me I really hated it, you really have no freedom of choice of what you can or can’t do + I was really awkward.
    One day a girl we used to go to German class together hugged me out of the blue, it was cold outside so the warmness of the hug as an emotion was topped with the actual warmth of body heat. I wasn’t used to that kind of stuff so I didn’t hugged her back ..just stood there and enjoyed it. I really hope she is well and her kindness comes back to her.

  19. Not the nicest thing ever, but today, when I was giving a few people some bad news in our company, a woman in my team after hearing bad news related to her (and tearing up about those news), asked me if I was ok dealing with all of this, because she noticed that I was trying to stay positive and strong for everyone else and that it could not be easy for me since I’m also being affected by the situation. Obviously not the nicest thing ever, but I think men’s feelings are often overlooked, and it felt really nice to have someone look out for me and realize that I was hurting at that moment

  20. Unbeknownst to me, my girlfriend conspired with my mother and sourced some examples of my late father’s handwriting. She then had a metal key fob engraved with his signature and a few meaningful words he had written during his life. It was the most thoughtful gift I have ever received and I’ll treasure it (and her) forever.

  21. This happened just recently. Third college in 5 years, parents getting a divorce, a lot of family health issues in the last year. Also covid. With all of that I hadn’t really been able to lock down a solid friend group throughout college.

    Last semester we got put into groups for one of my classes and I got placed with this one girl. We got to talking and became pretty good friends actually. Sat next to each other every class, studied together, etc. Eventually she started inviting me to stuff with her friends. For the first time in my college life I’m actually getting out there and meeting new people, and it feels great.

  22. On a tinder date, we were drinking at her place on the balcony and her neighbor called us over from next door. We went over and there was a few others there. At one point she noticed me being quiet and leaned in and was like “if you want to leave, tap me on the shoulder 3 times”. As a boy with low social skills and bad anxiety, this gave me butterflies.

    It didn’t work out between us but I will always remember that.

  23. It’s a weird one. I was seeing this girl and took her to a metal show some of my friends were playing at. And she ended getting drunk and flirting with a bunch of other guys. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with this but I just started drinking and hanging out with my friends and just gave up on it.

    Later that night I kept having gorgeous women come up and talk to me, touch my shoulders, compliment me, etc. I’d been hit on at shows before but something was going on here.

    Turns out my old bass player was there with his girlfriend, and his girlfriend was PISSED. So she kept convincing other girls at the show in the girl’s restroom to go flirt with me to piss off the girl I brought to the show, and it worked! She was huffing mad and then tried to talk to me (she was very drunk) and called me a slut.

    I got her home safe that night and never spoke to her again. But I was just flattered that like a dozen women felt the call of justice in my behalf.

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