My (18) Boyfriend (19) have been together for over a year now and he’s never been able to make me orgasm.

It feels like it all surrounds around him. For example – The last time we had sex, I started off by giving him head. He orgasmed from this and so we couldn’t jump straight into sex. In my mind i’m thinking he’s going to finger me or something whilst waiting to get it back up. No… He lies down on my bed and starts playing games on his phone whilst i’m sat there half naked!!! When I asked if he’s going to do anything to me he said “We can’t go for a round yet i’m not ready.”

We’ve had multiple conversations about how he doesn’t make me orgasm. He says it’s because he doesn’t “Last long enough” (He doesn’t really last more than a minute) But i tell him there are other ways to make me orgasm. He says he feels bad about it but it doesn’t look like he’s making any effort to change. And has even made jokes basically saying that i can’t orgasm like i’m the problem. (I have zero issue orgasming on my own and i’ve even felt it coming on with him too)

He made the effort earlier in our relationship to give me head or finger me but he hasn’t done any of that for over 6 months and doesn’t seem to care or feel bad like he used to. He’s gotten used to it and thinks it’s totally norma (Even though i still try to bring it up). I’ve spoken about trying toys and he just kind of acted offended about it. Im afraid me being so gentle about it is the reason why he doesn’t bother so much.

I feel so horny all the time and our sex isn’t satisfying me at all. It leads me to having thoughts about other guys but I love my boyfriend and i would never want to leave him or cheat on him.

What are some ways to tell him he’s not very good at sex without hurting his feelings?

What are some ways i can lead him in bed to making me orgasm?

Is this worth ending a relationship over?

TLDR: My boyfriend doesn’t bother to pleasure me during sex anymore and i’m getting increasingly fustrated

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