I feel like such a vain jerk but there is a guy I’ve been talking to off a dating app who has a lot of qualities I’m looking for except he is balding and maintains the “toilet seat” hair. Bald on top, hair on sides.

I’m attracted to men with a full head of hair or no hair. I really really dislike his current hair. Maybe he wears a lot of hats and this works for him.

I wish I didn’t feel turned off by his hair style, but I do.

Should I go out with him and see if I can look past it or just leave this man alone?

Edit: he low key reminds me too much of what my dad looked like. I know it’s irrational but I just heavily associate the look with my dad. 🥲

Edit 2: can’t help but laugh at the outrage over me not loving something a “man can’t change” when there are absolutely steps and investments you can make towards improving it and at just how normalized and expected it is for women to spend so much money maintaining their looks, including thousands of dollars and even surgery. That’s taken for granted but asking a man to give a second thought to his grooming is so mean. Keep using your two in one head and shoulders 😘

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