For some context, I (34m) played football in high school all 4 years, I’ve attended many other types of competitive sports during childhood and very familiar with being competitive on the court/field and talking smack but once off, all love and care for the players around. That’s all nothing new and not part of what im asking. As much as I loved being part of the culture, I dont religiously follow national sports unless if there happen to be friends watching the game.

As a grown adult and father of a 3yo, maybe it’s me but I couldn’t help noticing hanging with friends or similar encounters at work how nuts men (way older than me) get when it comes to sports in general. I am a Patriots fan btw since my dad pretty much raised me to be one so you can imagine all the haters when it comes to Tom Brady and as much as I bow to him, I also say during the Super Bowl that I actually hope Cheifs/Mahomes win the game because I really do think he will be the next best in the generation, if not better since he already broke records that Brady did at his age.

I share this opinion and I get shut down like I’m a “sellout” to the Patriots fan base. I dont know why these people look at me like im talking shit about the Patriots, when I generally think someone can be better. My brother-in-law didnt even want to speak to me for the night after I said that. And im certain I have to mention, I know New England fans are pretty toxic but I’m certain there’s fan bases for Lebron James or any other GOATs that have fans who are just as bad. But we dont have to get into that.

I dont want to make this a huge discussion about the players/teams themselves but sports in general. I’d like to have my kid play anything someday but I definitely dont want him to be that toxic.


I’m aware sports are one of the things that bring out the toxicity. I totally meant competitive leagues and such like gaming, etc

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