POV: How to talk to a girl at the gym

I (25M) have been going to my gym for 9 months. I catch girls glancing, but not a lot to where I’m thinking I’m hot stuff, but I catch them. I have barely been able to maintain eye contact for more than 1 sec, so I can never tell if they’re interested in me or just happened to look my way. But I will say this, I was at a squat rack one time. When I looked over my shoulder, this pretty woman (who I thought was out of my league) locks eyes with me for at least 3 seconds. “Shoot, do I have something on my shirt? Is there something in my hair?” Those were the thoughts going in my head as we locked eyes. I turn away a bit timid. But then she comes to squat rack right next to me with about 3-4 of them completely open before she got to the one next to mine. Every time I see this woman, she looks at me longer than just a quick glance. I never made a move, but I find it hard to believe that was a coincidence.

There’s another girl who I was unsure about but we locked eyes quite a bit. But it was never as long as the last girl, so I was sure that I was in my head. Fast forward 2 weeks after seeing her a bunch of times. We lock eyes again as she’s stretching, but now I start to think she’s interested. But I wasn’t even sure how to approach her. But I guess something was in the air that day, because she comes to the rack right next to me just like the previous girl with multiple racks open including the 3-5 preceding her. Again I’m lost for words and I don’t know what to do or say. But I can see her in the corner of my eye just looking at me. I’m trying to mustard up the confidence to say something to her. I think she even did extra sets to wait for me, but eventually she was done and I hadn’t said anything to her. So I see her walk away and I got disappointed in myself. But I get over it and continue to do my workout, thinking she left the gym. As I’m about to finish my last set, I see her over at the weights I need to go to for my next exercise. Once I get over there, I still can’t mustard up any confidence to talk to her. On my last few reps of my last set (don’t worry it was seated calf raises), I’m just thinking about how I need to talk to her. I finish and I’m just like fuck I can’t think of anything to say, as I’m walking away I tell myself “F it, you’re being a b***h” and walk over to her. At first she looked like “oh god another guy coming to talk to me,” but I look her in the eyes and say “Hi, I’ve been seeing you around here a lil bit and I just wanted to introduce myself, my name’s (insert name).” She then tells me her name, I tell her it was nice to meet her and tell her to have a good workout. All the while, she’s cheesing at me, and then I walk away.

I’m going back to the gym tomorrow and if I see her, I’m going to strike up a conversation.

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but talk to that girl, or you’ll regret it later. Even if she doesn’t want more than a friendship or nothing at all, I took that risk, felt good afterwards, and boosted my confidence.

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