How do a console/cheer up a friend that just found out she needs to be on lifelong blood thinners and can’t play basketball anymore for fear of injury. Saying generic things only seems to make her angrier…

  1. Sometimes silence is most powerful. Just an embrace can say more than words can. When they speak about it, sit in silence and nod attentively. It’s not like you can understand what they’re going through, so don’t pretend to.

  2. Just be there to listen or be present. You don’t have to say anything when friends are going thru a hard time.

  3. If she just found out about this, her anger makes sense. Be open to lending your ears if she needs to talk but don’t try to console because you don’t her full thoughts on the whole ordeal right now.

  4. Validation, active listening, and acknowledging that the situation sucks. A hug and reassurance that you are there for your friend. Nothing worse when someone tells you-don’t be depressed or things will get better. Avoid giving solutions unless they asked you to.

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