I have been with my current boyfriend for a little over a year and a half now, our relationship has been great, he’s one of the nicest and most considerate men I’ve ever met. A little back story for him, he was married to a woman for a year, they had been together 7 altogether, prior to me. I was a bit iffy on this but decided to just try it out seeing as their divorce was final. I remember asking a lot throughout the relationship when they had officially split up, and I never got an answer. Long story short we hit it off, the whole beginning of our relationship his ex has harassed me and tried to make me out to be the bad guy, she has taken pictures off of my social media and posted them saying ugly things about me, she broke into my boyfriends truck and planted her underwear and a condom in there (had messages from his old friend confirming it was her), etc. it didn’t stop there. And hasn’t. He had been staying in contact with her over silly things, their dog (I understand), and because of bills etc., i tried not to be the jealous type and for the most part I wasn’t. About a year into our relationship she started to text him more frequently and never about the bills or the dog, he has given me free reign to go through his phone, so I did, only to find the messages deleted (he hadn’t deleted messages the whole time we were together), his claim was that he wanted to declutter. I let it go. We’ve recently had a lot of issues with him telling me every week “if you’re cheating you’re out” (we live together), and I finally snapped, I told him I had given him no reason to believe I was cheating or would, I brought up the texts (again, it’s been fought about a lot, he always seemed to dodge it), he said he didn’t remember what was said but that he wouldn’t cheat and doesn’t want her (she cheated on him (apparently)), then I asked him why he’s always avoided when they broke up, he told me he thinks it was sometime in February, we got together in August. We moved in extremely quickly together, before I moved in, all of his exes things were still in the home, about a week before I moved in, she came to get them, leaving only the things he had bought for her. I guess I just am overthinking and need advice on what to think me and him communicate well except for these topics. I always seem to never get solid answers. I would just like advice on what to do or what to think, I don’t want to jump to conclusions if this is all in my head. Here recently his ex has apparently texted his mom saying she would like to apologize to both of us in person for everything and I agreed to do it, but he was the one to deny doing it saying he thought that didn’t sound right. Anyways someone please help me so I don’t scratch my brain out 🙂 what would you do? How would you take all of this?

Tl;dr- is my boyfriend rebounding with me? Or does he still have feelings for his ex wife?

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