What is your biggest flaw when it comes to dating?

  1. I’ve put on a lot of weight since having surgery and I don’t have the confidence to be naked with someone. I’m back to the gym just about everyday but it’s still gonna be a long process before I’m comfortable enough with my self before I can be comfortable and healthy with someone else.

  2. I don’t see the purpose and feel as though a relationship wouldn’t add anything to my life that is worth the drama and exceedingly high divorce rate.

  3. I’ve gotten used to been alone and being able to do my own thing with my free time. I don’t want to sacrifice it.

  4. If they don’t ask me anything or tell me much I start saying weird nonsense to try to make them curious

    It either works & we have a wonderful convo or they get weirded out+block my number without stating they’re not interested anymore(Saturday)

  5. I’m a boring homebody, and the only couple activity I’m really interested in is sex. Everything else is honestly a bit of a chore.

    Also I don’t know if I can feel romantic love. That seems like a big one.

  6. When I was dating, every time a woman told me intimate details about herself, i couldn’t get over it. I got emotionally attached and I constantly wanted to help and support them.

  7. I want a partner but am also content with being single, it creates a major conflict in myself.

  8. I’d easily spend weeks fiddling with an Arduino UNO board then listening to her problems on how her best friend wore the same dress to prom like her. 🤔😕😎😄

  9. Im an introvert, who doesn’t particularly enjoy approaching people.

    I have no problem holding a conversation, flirtings a bit difficult because of anxiety but I can manage.

    But just getting that foot in the door is overwhelming for me. Especially since I’ve only previously dated friends I’ve known for ages, or was approached myself.

  10. I’m crazy, but I hide it well, but too well, so I can definitely come across as boring.

  11. being married.

    and butt-ugly.

    with absolutely no self-confidence.

    take your pick.

    did i mention being poor, and the congenitally deformed hand?

  12. Meeting people. I simply don’t talk to new people very often and I hate small talk. Not dudes. Not women. So dating apps seem like the only viable route. But we know how those apps suck. Everyone says that meeting people IRL is superior but I could never motivate myself to develop those skills. I’m not shy. Just introverted. I find interacting with lots of people to be draining.

  13. I think the amount of time that I’ve been single and out of dating may reflect in my next dating scenario(s). I’ve been so accustomed to doing what I want on my time off. It’ll be an adjustment to make time for someone else and consider them a top priority. That said, I’m up for the challenge if that day ever comes

  14. Definitely my looks. My looks are a flaw that has prevented me from even going on any date at all, let alone “dating” someone…

  15. That I literally have nothing that I truly want to do with a woman apart from sex.

  16. I’ve been in multiple multi year long relationships and the scariest thing is, I felt the same during each of them. I’m not unhappy but I’m not sure I’d be satisfied with the life I’m living.

    Women approach me consistently so I know I’m doing my part to be approachable. Then a few dates, let’s be in a commitment, say yes either right away or reluctantly twice.

    Then the years pass and having tough conversations always leads to them crying, idk what to do, I wanna express myself negatively in a healthy manner and I often do.

    I just don’t know when it’s the right person/people. I’ve asked relatives and the majority of them said they loved their partner then got pregnant and the commitment spawned from that.

    That’s hardly an active choice of love, more like obligation to the life we created. Idk, I’m hoping I have a child with one of my partners eventually and just raise the kid single dad if it doesn’t work out.

    My biggest flaw is I don’t see a future where I’m
    happy with any partner ever.

  17. I work constantly, and I’m not the kind of person to give my partner validation for basic stuff.

  18. I don’t think I’m mentally stable enough, of course that could be the unstable mentality talking again

  19. I suffer from ahedonia from years of battling diagnosed depression. It’s very hard for me to feel butterflies or even be genuinely in love, since I don’t really feel *anything*. I also don’t have rose tinted glasses and can immediately spot yellow and red flags within the first few weeks of the relationship, because there’s no puppy dog phase for me.

  20. I get attached way too quickly.

    Like “zomg you showed me the slightest bit of interest please don’t leave” which means they do immediately. It ruins my chances every time.

    I’m not trying to be clingy or anything man. I just want to be loved and to love. It kills me trying to suppress that, it physically hurts having to pretend that I’m not really into them when I am. It’s not even sexual, just physical intimacy. I just want someone to know that I can love them.

    God, writing that almost made me cry.

  21. I can’t tolerate stupidity. I could have gotten laid some much more often if I could have ignored that.

  22. enough women are consistently interested in me that ive never self reflected or been forced to improve the bad things about myself when it comes to dating. so while most men will undergo a self discovery/reflection period when their girl breaks up with them, I do no such thing since I already have another girl or two waiting. So i’m not improving the shitty parts of my dating habits.

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