awhile back we broke things off for like three days n he was texting a girl he went to hang out with her and then dropped her home only to text her if she’s coming to the hotel him n his cousins were in .. he said nothing happened he only fell bad cus he ditched her when he dropped her off n she never made it to the hotel that night cus his phone died n he never told her the number , in the text message she did ask for the room number n he didn’t reply

We got back together n he never texted her again told me he won’t talk to her but she kept texting him n she even reposted his story n tagged him on ig .. yesterday he randomly replied to her “Hey I’m sorry I been ignoring u but my bm has my password
If u want u can text me thru my number n I’ll reply “ n gave her his number told her not to reply just text him to his number …
I feel like what he did was wrong n confronted him he said he only fell bad for not replying he’s not interested in her she’s ugly bla bla
But I just feel so backstabbed I don’t text other men at all I’m literally a stay at home mom with his child .. I’m so angry I wanna end things with him because to me it just feels like he’s trynna hide it .. if he wanted to talk to her despite how I fell wht not do it through social media ? Why give her his number ?
I’m always stuck feeling like my feelings don’t matter n he puts other ppl feelings before mines /: am I overreacting for wanting to end things ? Should I give him a second chance ?

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