Hi everyone,

First time writing in this sub but I reached a point where I don’t know what to do anymore.

I have met my girlfriend two months ago on holiday, we were doing the same tour and spent 3 days together with other people (I was travelling alone).

She had a crush on my the first time we met, and the day after me ended spending the night together. It was one of the most incredible night I ever had.

A week later we decided to rejoin each other and finally, to continue seeing each other once we will be back.

At the beginning, I was super natural, funny, witty and confident. We had so much fun, I felt really great.

Since then, I have come to visit her 3 times, and every time, I feel unnatural, I put pressure on myself to be the same I was on holiday, but instead I have the impression to act weird, I’m not witty anymore, I always process everything she says to respond the best way possible, but I fail completely.

I am afraid she will get bored on the long time, specially bc she’s more and more confident in the relationship, more funny, more natural, but it’s the opposite for me.

It’s not getting better considering that I’m more and more attached to her and eventually start having feelings.

So my question is: how can I be natural again ? Stop putting pressure on myself ?

Thank you all !

TL;DR: I started putting pressure on myself in my relationship and cannot act natural anymore

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