I recommend linking an image, as it’s kinda hard to describe.

Over here

* the ones you see on older **town** houses are mostly [like this](https://cdn.kv24.ee/uploads/a1/medium/75f31d00-575d-4fcb-b3d3-463340026958.webp), with 2 openable lower parts and 2-4 decorative upper squares (*jugend* style? there is also a [larger](https://www.karlova.ee/photos/seminar-tootuba_Kortermaja%20%C3%BCmbruse%20kavandamine-1.jpg) version with 3 lowers and 3-6 uppers).
* the ones you see on older **country** houses are mostly [like this](https://media.voog.com/0000/0038/1531/photos/wood-white-window-glass-old-home-1095545-pxhere.com_large.jpg) or [this](https://mariannrea.com/albums/storage/cache/images/000/248/1D-5812,medium.2x.1421069657.jpg), with 6 small squares.

They both usually have two separate window panels, inner and outer, and [the outer opens to the outside, the inner to the inside](https://www.jutajakaido.ee/images/valjaaken.jpg) \- I’ve heard that this opening style is not very common elsewhere in Europe.

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