Hey. This just happened to me (M25) and I feel hurt about it. Yesterday I was at a party of a good friend (M25). Most people there I didnt know or only their names. So I had a bit problems to integrate myself to the other people but still it was fun. I stayed until 3am but then left. Other did party the whole night.

Now today I said my friend who organized the party I can help to tidy up and he said come over. So we did the job with one other friend (F?) of him. And it was chill vibes to do the things. The plan of my friend his other friend and two other was to go eating somewhere else and hang out the afternoon and I was ready to go with them. As we loaded the last things in his car I was ready to come with them but he said “Our together time ends here”. He then asked what I was going to do. I said I later in the evening meet a friend but not any more plans here. It was obviously he didnt want me to go with them. For helping I was good enough. I feel sad about it.

Or didnt I made clear enough I want to come with them? I think he clearly uninvited me. What you think about this? What could I have done better?

  1. Wow. Looks like he values you as a “helper,” but not as a friend.

    I’d take him at his word. “Our time together ends HERE.”

    I’d end this friendship with that statement. That’s beyond rude that he took advantage of your friendship and willingness to help, and then had no use for you.

    Sorry! It’s time to move on to better friends. You deserve better than this.

  2. What an ass. I’m sorry you had to experience that. I hope you can find better friends in your life.

  3. Is he a ‘cool kid’ you’re trying to be friends with? Cool kids are the worst! Find people more like you.

  4. So if Im understanding correctly, it was 2 guys, 1 girl and he wanted to be alone with her? Sounds like he just wanted to pursue someone he’s interested in, obviously that’s something he wants to do with just them. His wording couldve been better but I dont think he was insulting you

  5. In the future, He won’t need your help. He can ask his other friends to help him. So, if he does ask for your help, just remind him of this, then walk away.

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