why or why not ?

  1. Yes, it is to avoid the temptation of reaching out to them and/or checking what they post or do.

  2. I don’t, but they usually unfriend me. I’ve nothing to hide from them.

  3. Nope, heck I met her last week with her new bf and my current gf for dinner.

  4. Yes, I don’t want to see her or anything regarding her anymore.

    Even now years after that happened it makes me feel sad.

  5. Tbh I don’t remember.
    I don’t block usually buy I have enough self respect to never check back.

  6. No, it is never the mature thing to do. My rule is to wait 3 months after it has ended to unfriend/unfollow.

  7. yes because i don’t wanna have to do anything with them anymore if she’s not willing to work things out and communicate then that’s on her i’m not going to chase over a female

  8. I remove them and their friends from socialmedia, their phonenumber and pictures. Easier to move on that way if the breakup wasn’t mutual.

    It’s all about doing what makes it easier for you to move on. Nothing inmature about it, your mental well-being always comes first.

  9. I haven’t and wouldn’t.

    In fact, knowing my Ex’s facebook account (we never added each other or anything) actually cheered me up yesterday.

    She broke up with me because she couldn’t deal with being in a good relationship and she was starting to have panic attacks.

    I saw yesterday that she’d posted a few weeks ago that she’s mentally healthy now and it was attached to a picture of her baking that was something we had in common. I went through a couple of feelings, sadness, relief (I was never 100% sure she’d been straight with me at the end) and then I was just happy for her.

  10. Depends on the nature of the breakup. I’m still in touch with a couple of exes, albeit infrequently. For most of them though, yeah, blocked.

  11. I don’t even keep their numbers


    to avoid ever making a bad decision when drunk or sad or juat pissed

  12. That depends on how the breakup went. If your still friends there’s no reason to block them. If they’re harassing you about the breakup, making things up about you, or refusing to let the relationship go then those are all reasons to.

  13. Nah. I’ve only blocked one ex because she was quite literally insane and abusive. I try to stay on good terms with the others.

  14. I just unfollowed, makes it easier to move on. She still follows me though 4 years later when I’m with my new partner, of whom my ex also looks at her story. That’s her choice I guess.

  15. If I feel the need to. Mostly I would say this is to create distance more than anything.

    But otherwise no, if the relationship is over then it’s done to me. I move forward.

  16. Depends on what terms the relationship ends. I’ve kept some as friends for a while and some I’ve blocked

  17. Only if they turned into douchebags. It’s pretty much the worst possible scenario: You showed all your weak points to them and now they can use them against you. What else can you do except block such people?

  18. I would only do that if I can’t move on otherwise, but normally no I don’t try to delete persons from my life.

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