I 23F have been seeing this guy for a couple of months 26M we met on bumble. Went on a date, we both established we weren’t necessarily looking for something serious just going with the flow. With that we texted all day everyday. I came over slept over his house. I never met his friends even though there was an opportunity to. I kept having this talk with him. I asked him twice over the course of several months. If he sees this going somewhere. He said yes everytime with no hesitation. He said he wanted to get to know me more and go on more dates which I agreed I wasn’t ready to settle down right then and there either. This last time, yesterday I asked him again if he sees this going anywhere. I said I’ve noticed I only sleep over and he hasn’t offered to take me on another date. So he then replies with were both so busy (which is true) I work full time, so does he. I also go to school full time granted it’s online but still. His work schedule also got changed recently he used to be an opener and now he’s a closer. By the time he gets off I’m already at home in bed and I’ve expressed with him I don’t wanna drive back and forth. Anyways. He says, I deserve someone who’s absolutely sure where this is going and that he cares about me and respects my time and he wouldn’t wanna chance wasting it. He also mentioned he was willing to risk his heart just not mine and that he meant what he said he was willing to try but my heart is too valuable risk like ??? He said hes lucky to have got to know me and that I’m an amazing person and just because things have gotten hectic in his life I shouldn’t have to suffer for that. He says with everything going on right now he isn’t certain he could give me the time/attention I deserve. I feel led on. I feel used. I wanna take a break from dating now I just don’t know what to think.

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