Am I (21f) being a bit delusional? Yes.
There’s a guy I haven’t seen in 14 years, but I’ve somehow convinced myself we are soulmates. Very healthy and normal of me, I know.

He lives in ny and I live in Alabama (at least for the next 2 years) but I think I can make this happen. In like 3 months I’m going to ny for a couple weeks, and I’m gonna get this man to fall in love with me.

Don’t tell me this is ridiculous because I already know. Im just needing to focus on something SILLY for a bit. How do I start making moves? I need some ground work before we go for it. I can’t just dm him out of nowhere and ask him out.

Let me tell you what we’ve got:
We messaged like 8 things back in fourth a couple months ago because we had a totally random mutual friend.
I dated someone in high school who went to school with him
We are both hella artsy (he’s a little graphic designer and I do sculpture so it’s basically written in the stars)

That’s all we’ve got. So ya, help me do something stupid. The only means of communication I have available is Instagram, and he hardly ever posts (except maybe a random story once a week). I need ideas people!!!!

*also I say my crush from elementary school in a very sarcastic sense, I barely spoke to him back in the ye old days and mostly think we’d get along based off social media/mutual friends.

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