There’s 2 main things that happened last night when I was hanging out with my bf that kind of sent me into overthinking mode and I want advice on how to deal with/respond to situations like this:

We were listening to music and a Drake song popped up so we were talking about him and then I mentioned how there was a leak recently of Drake (iykyk). I could sense my bf suddenly get kind of uncomfortable. He asked whether I had seen the leak and I said I only saw censored versions on TikTok accounts that were reporting the incident on my FYP but I didn’t see the actual thing. I told him I inferred what it might have looked like based on comments/jokes people were making about Drake lol. My bf then asked to change the topic and I asked him if he was uncomfortable and he said yeah. So I tried talking about something else and then suddenly he brought up some girl on TikTok who also had leaks of something about 6 months ago (I forgot her name). I didn’t know who she was so he searched her up on Google to show me. I instantly got kind of upset and uncomfortable. I asked him whether he had seen her leaks and he said that he hadn’t. So then I asked him how he knew about the leak if he hadn’t seen her pics and he said that he also inferred from the TikToks/comment sections that he saw about the incident. Then he mentioned another person’s leaks that happened years ago. I just felt really upset about this because I don’t understand why he would bring up a topic that made him uncomfortable when I talked about the same thing in the first place.

I have another post talking about this incident in detail but to summarize he has this friend in college that is a girl let’s call her Char (my bf and i are mid-distance bc we go to diff schools so we see each other on weekends). Anyway, my bf was going to get lunch with another one of his classmates and Char as a group a few months back. The plan fizzled out and they never actually went. But anyway, last night he was showing me his camera roll and I guess he had a lot of random screenshots that he took by mistake of random things. I saw a screenshot he took of some TikTok account (it was like one of those screens that pop up on your fyp recommending that you follow someone based on your contacts or something). It was Char’s account. The screenshot wasn’t weird or anything just like a “hey you popped up on my fyp lol” sorta thing. but I asked him why he had that and he told me that Char was his friend and that he sent that screenshot to Char. I think he noticed that I felt kind of bothered by that so he asked me if I was feeling that way. I said yes. I asked him if they were still friends and whether they still talked and he said that ever since the lunch plan fizzled out they hadn’t talked so it’s been months. but the whole situation still made me uncomfortable and jealous and upset.

So my questions are:

Should I be concerned about this behavior from my bf?

How do I deal with jealousy and him innocently(?) mentioning other girls.

TL;DR: bf brought up some girls on TikTok’s leaks right after i told him about Drake’s leaks (and he said it made him uncomfortable when i talked about that). he also had a ss in his camera roll of a tiktok account of his friend Char (girl) that he told me he sent to Char (just like a “hey you popped up on my fyp lol” sorta thing). but he told me they haven’t talked in months and don’t hang out and aren’t really friends. the two incidents made me uncomfortable and i wonder whether i should be concerned and how to deal with jealousy.

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