I’m Asian American and I met a friend of a friend for the first time. She’s a professional White lady in her 40s. We talked about crime getting bad in Oakland. She said, “It’s the n*ggers, with the hard r. Everyone knows it.” She later said, “Well I don’t mean the educated middle class Black people. Even among the poor Black people, many are nice.” I was shocked. How would you react?

  1. Are you really asking what people would do if somebody is extremely racist? Hmm I wonder what will the answer be. Obviously you do not associate with that asshole completely.

  2. I wouldn’t react to anything from someone I just met.

    If I just met them, they don’t mean much to me.

    Racists exist. Sometimes one is in front of you. If you find out it’s your mom or something, I get it. Otherwise, I just don’t have the room in my life to react to every person who winds up in front of me.

  3. I work in the oil and gas industry in Texas, I just have to ignore it. If I made a huge fuss over someone being racist on the job site that would be well, my new job because it’s all I would have time to do.

  4. I’d be surprised by her being so flippant about it, disinterested in deepening our relationship, and question my friend on what they see in the sap.

  5. My 85 year old Sifu uses it often. But he’s a black man and segregation is a memory for him, not a history lesson. He dislikes lowlifes of any stripe.

  6. I would proceed to give her the silent treatment just like everybody else i don’t like lol.

  7. Let her know that you’re not comfortable with racial slurs. If you don’t, she will continue use them in your presence. Silence is acceptance.

  8. I’m always offended that they think it is ok to talk like that in front of me. What vibe did I give that made you think I was with you on this?

  9. Depends, at the very least I’d stop hanging out with them, at most they might catch a beating.

  10. i’m a white guy in the south. i make it clear i don’t abide that kind of language, and if it continues, we can’t be friends.

  11. I’d call them a racist and not engage with them further. I would wonder why my friend was friends with them and talk to them about it. If they’re ok with that then they aren’t going to be my friend much longer

  12. I thought you were going to say someone was singing along to a song or something , Jesus Christ she’s just racist.

    Don’t engage in that conversation, especially if it’s at work. You won’t be able to change her mind and by association people might think you agree with her.

  13. These are the same type of ladies to have a black boyfriend or fuck buddy.

  14. I’d call them a racist to their face and I wouldn’t associate with them anymore.

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