I am 14, I’m a girl, I am very extroverted and enjoy socialising, ever since I was little I’ve taken every opportunity I could get to hang out with people. (I know the username says the opposite, it was a joke I found online a while ago and I can’t change it) I am very nice to everyone as long as they aren’t mean to me, I am cognitively very empathetic and can usually cheer people up if I’m familiar with their comfort zones, I can about 95% of the time tell if someone is bored, upset, sad, or wants to change the topic and I respond to these cues to the best of my abilities. I am flexible and willing to talk about things other people want to talk about, or do things they want, like if I want to go to the amusement park but my friend wants to go to the mall I will go to the mall with her instead. I’m not alt or furry or emo or any of those things that make people not want to be friends with you, I dress relatively normally. My personality in person is always matching the person I’m talking to, if I get a vibe that says “These girls are popular and they are making a decision about you right now” I will try to match their energy and even change my voice a little bit to match theirs, not in a copycat way, just so I can seem more relatable for them, and I usually agree with them or try to make jokes with them in agreement. Like when someone is talking about something annoying that someone else did, I try to add a joke in it and they usually laugh. But on snapchat when I post a story asking if anyone wants to hang out, I get no replies or they make up a fake excuse. I really don’t understand why I have such few friends, I thought I was doing everything right. I am also not picky at all with my “friend standards”, all my standards are:
1. Be age 13-16
2. preferably other girls but not mandatory
3. Be nice and want to hang out with me (If your parents don’t let you that’s different)
Those are literally my only standards. And I do have a lot of online friends, but I want friends I can hang out with. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong, can someone help me? I am starting 10th grade in September at a new school where my best friend is popular, and I really hope this time I’ll actually have friends.

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