So about six months ago I joined a book club after a lot of deliberation. It was there that I met my club mate let’s call her Jess. Now me and her hit it off almost immediately, we like the same things, are both avid writers and just generally seem to have good chemistry.

So after about a month of this I work up the nerve to ask her out. Come to find out that she has a partner that she’s been with for the past 7 years. Ok cool, cool I can respect that. So I back off and just maintain a friendship with her. Nothing intense no hangouts just texting here and there about club activities and books.

But here’s where things get confusing, recently she participated in a photo shoot. She told me this and I encouraged her to do it since it seemed like it was something that she really had an interest in. Come to find out it was an erotic photo shoot that had her posing in all sorts of ways (almost nude in some pictures). What’s the problem you ask? Because she sent me some of the pictures. Pictures that have her half nude and in lingerie.

I was kind of stunned but just told her they looked good and kept it pushing. And before you ask no I did not keep any. She sent it over Snapchat so they’re all deleted thankfully. But here’s the thing that’s confusing me even more. Almost everyday she’s been sending me pictures of her while she’s at work. Admittedly she looks good but if we talk later she never fails to mention her boyfriend and how much she loves him.

I don’t know I’m just genuinely confused as to whether or not she’s flirting with me or just looking for validation outside of her relationship.

Should I end our friendship and just leave the group to prevent any further issue? Should I approach her about it and voice my discomfort? Any advice would be appreciated.

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